17 Jun

When one of the most powerful actions we have as human beings is our will power, its clear why every industry and craft in creation strives  to capture our will and bend it to suit their agenda, now AI?.

What weakens our will power is subtle passive choices people make not to engage with an action, some times its a simple No will avoid it!.

Once we let go of mastering the art of passivity, our will is ensnared, imprisoned by wrong choices and then punished by indecision and double mindedness.

How then do we start to tackle this problem? firstly we must acknowledge what happened and admit the problem. Then we must identify  the solution. Make a decision for the sake of making a decision!. This is exercise for the brain and the will just like we exercise the body by doing.

Next we must deal with follow through once making a decision even if its one next step of say... getting up earlier every morning. Do whatever it takes to fall out of bed!! that's step two. The spirit is willing the flesh body is weak.

Then if the problem persists see if there's something sabotaging this process don't blame someone else, the problem is on the inside.

Is it that job or the homelife or the church life or life in general the culprit? Holistic Coaching can target each area with goals, changes, by activating our will power and breathe life into what's  been buried beneath passive responses.

1%, progress is one good step forward , start today with what you can do by activating your will.

to your health!

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